Table of Contents


Always accessing MyAnimeList or IMDB to record down the shows you have watched? Finding it difficult to search the different websites that store your shows’ information? Fret not, because Trackermon is the application just for you! But hold on, you may be wondering, what is Trackermon?

Trackermon is a desktop application for tracking and managing shows, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Trackermon allows you to track and remember what shows you have watched, are currently watching, or plan to watch. You can even review these shows!

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User guide navigation

Before you continue reading the rest of our user guide, the table below displays some important syntax to facilitate your reading.

Syntax Description
Bold Important words to note
Git Flavoured Markdown Command word/prefix/parameter
A small but useful piece of information
Additional information
Important information to watch out for
[Optional Parameters] Indicates the parameters that may be optional
<Instructions for Parameters> Represents certain requirements you will need to follow
{Multiple Optional Parameters} At least one parameter must be provided

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Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
    • For Windows, open Command Prompt and input java -version
    • For MacOS, open Terminal and input javac -version
    • For Linux, open Terminal and input java -version
  2. Download the latest version of Trackermon here.

  3. Move the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Trackermon.

  4. Double-click the file to start Trackermon. The layout of Trackermon’s GUI is shown in the section below.
    • Do note that for Linux, you may have to enable double-click to run JAR files first!
    • Do note that if double-clicking fails to start Trackermon, open a Command Prompt/Terminal in Trackermon’s home folder and input java -jar Trackermon.jar to start Trackermon

  5. For a quick overview of all available commands, please refer to our command summary.

  6. For details of each command, please proceed to the command-structure section.

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User interface

The table below briefly describes each of the 4 main components.

Component Description
Show List A panel to display a list of saved shows
Show Details A panel to display a specific show’s details
Result Display A panel to display command results
Command Box A panel to enter commands

You can start communicating with Trackermon using the command box. Some example commands you can try are:

  • list : Lists all shows.

  • add n/ReZero s/watching t/Anime : Adds a show named ReZero with the tag Anime to Trackermon as watching.

  • delete 3 : Deletes the 3rd show shown in the current list.

  • exit : Exits Trackermon.

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Command structure

Let us look at what makes up a command:

Component Description
Command Word The word representing the action of the command
Prefix The identifier used to recognise command parameters
Parameters Contains the information provided by you and can lead with a specified prefix

For example, a command to find a show could look like this:

find n/Django

In the example above , find is the command word while n/ is the prefix of the Django parameter. A list of parameters along with their prefixes and descriptions have been included below for your convenience.

Parameter Prefix Description
KEYWORD None The input after the command word without a prefix
INDEX None The index of the show as shown in the show list
NAME n/ The name to use for a show
STATUS s/ The status to label a show
RATING r/ The rating to give a show
COMMENT c/ The comment to describe a show
TAG t/ The tag to label a show
ORDER {n/ s/ r/ t/} The order in which a prefix will sort the show list
SEQUENCE so/ The order of prefixes to sort the show list

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by you.
    e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/Sex and the City.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times.
    e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as t/Anime, t/Sitcom t/Kdrama etc.

  • A whitespace must be included before every prefix.
    e.g. n/Knives Out t/Suspense is acceptable but n/Knives Outt/Suspense is not.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME [t/TAG]…​, [t/TAG]…​ n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command, but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify n/Batman n/Superman, only n/Superman will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as exit and list ) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies exit 123, it will be interpreted as exit.

  • If an invalid prefix is used after a valid prefix, an error message will be displayed!

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Parameter conditions

:information_source: Notes about parameters: NAME and STATUS are case-insensitive.

Parameter Prefix Condition
KEYWORD None A single word that only contains alphanumeric characters.
Example: S1 Attack Hero2
INDEX None A positive whole number within the bounds of the show list.
Example: For a show list containing 5 shows, valid INDEX ranges from 1 to 5.
NAME n/ A show name must be unique and contain up to 500 alphanumeric characters.
Example: If you try to add n/Stranger Things into the show list that already contains that show, there will be a message telling you that this show already exists in the list. You can name it as n/Stranger Things S2 instead.
STATUS s/ A status can only contain COMPLETED, WATCHING and PLAN-TO-WATCH.
RATING r/ A rating must be a whole number from 0 to 5.
COMMENT c/ A comment can only contain up to 300000 ASCII values.
TAG t/ A tag must be a KEYWORD that is no more than 20 alphanumeric characters.
ORDER {n/ s/ r/ t/} An order can only be either asc or dsc.
SEQUENCE so/ A sequence lists out the order of all the prefixes used to sort the show list. It can only contain the case-insensitive full names of the prefixes used.

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Viewing help: help

Description: Are you new or confused with the commands? View the command summary and user guide through a quick pop up window!

Format: help

Example & Output: help

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Adding a show: add

Description: Planning to watch a show and want to store its details? Add it to Trackermon’s show list!

Format: add n/NAME s/STATUS [r/RATING] [c/COMMENT] [t/TAG]…​

:exclamation: Caution:

Example & Output: add n/All of us are dead s/plan-to-watch t/Horror

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Deleting a show: delete

Description: Wanting to delete a show? Delete it at the specified index shown in Trackermon’s show list!

Format: delete INDEX

:exclamation: Caution:

  • Once a show is deleted, you cannot retrieve it back!
  • Refer to parameter conditions section about INDEX.

Example & Output: delete 2

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Editing a show: edit

Description: Made a mistake? Edit it at the specified index shown in Trackermon’s show list!

Format: edit INDEX {[n/NAME] [s/STATUS] [r/RATING] [c/COMMENT] [t/TAG]…​}

:bulb: Tip: Multiple show parameters can be edited at the same time

:information_source: Notes about the Rating, Comment, and Tag features:

  • Reset the rating of a show: edit INDEX r/0
  • Removing a comment: edit INDEX c/
  • Removing all tags: edit INDEX t/

:exclamation: Caution:

  • Refer to parameter conditions section about INDEX NAME STATUS RATING COMMENT TAG.
  • Editing a TAG parameter can cause all the previous tags of the show to be deleted.

:exclamation:Adding, Editing and Deleting a Tag:

  • Doing any of these can result in your tags being deleted if you do not specify existing tags you want to keep.
  • Adding a Tag:
    • edit INDEX <Specify all tags in show> t/NEW_TAG
  • Deleting a Tag:
    • edit INDEX <Specify all tags in show except the tag you want to delete>
  • Editing a Tag:
    • edit INDEX <Specify all other tags in show> t/EDITED_TAG
  • Example
    • Adding a new Tag Mystery to show named Another
      • edit 1 t/Anime t/Horror t/Mystery
    • Deleting the Tag Movie in show named Spiderman
      • edit 2 t/Action
    • Editing the Tag Comdy to Comedy to show named Chicken papa
      • edit 3 t/Anime t/Comedy

Example & Output: edit 2 n/Sailor Moo t/Horror

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Listing all shows: list

Description: Wanting to view all your shows at once? Display a list of shows in Trackermon’s show list!

Format: list

Example: list

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Clearing all shows: clear

Description: Wanting to reset your current show list? Clear all shows in Trackermon’s show list!

Format: clear


  • Clear will delete the current list! Your list data will be lost!

Example: clear

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Finding a show: find

General find

Description (General Find): Wanting to search for a show across the name, status, rating, tag parameters? Find shows containing the search words!

Format (General Find): find KEYWORD…​

:bulb: Tip: Find is case-insensitive, and the order in which the keywords are entered is irrelevant. Partial words will be matched as well. e.g., attac will match attack.

:information_source: Notes about General Find:

  • An OR search is executed across Trackermon’s show list and all shows with matching name, status, rating, tag parameters will be returned.
  • Refer to parameter conditions section about KEYWORD.
  • find scary movie 4 displays all the shows in the list that contain the keywords scary, movie or 4, whether it is a name, status, rating, or tag.

Example & Output: find attack on titan

Precise find

Description (Precise Find): Wanting to search for a show across specific parameters? Find shows containing the search words based on prefix!

Format (Precise Find): find {[n/NAME] [s/STATUS] [r/RATING] [t/TAG]…​}

:bulb: Tip: Find is case-insensitive, and the order in which the keywords are entered is irrelevant. Partial words will be matched as well. e.g., attac will match attack.

:information_source: Notes about Precise Find:

  • Within a single prefix and across multiple prefixes, an AND search is executed across Trackermon’s show list, and only shows with matching parameters will be returned.
  • find n/Shutter Island displays all the shows in Trackermon’s show list that contain Shutter and Island in the NAME parameter.
  • find n/Django s/completed r/3 t/Action displays all the shows in Trackermon’s show list that contain Django in the NAME parameter, completed in the STATUS parameter, 3 in the RATING parameter, and Action in the TAG parameter.

:exclamation:Multiple of the same prefixes:

  • find n/attack n/on n/titan n/S2 does not mean find n/attack on titan S2. The former will only find show names that match with S2 (as mentioned in the notes of command structure), while the latter will find all show names that match attack, on, titan, and S2. This is only applicable to the NAME parameter.
  • find t/Anime t/Action does not mean find t/Anime Action. The former will find all shows with both Anime and Action tags in the TAG parameter, while the latter will show you that it is an invalid command format. This is only applicable to the TAG parameter.
  • find r/4 5 does not mean find r/4 r/5. The former will find all shows with both 4 star rating and 5 star rating, while the latter will find all shows with a 5 star rating. This is only applicable to the RATING parameter.
  • find s/completed watching does not mean find s/completed s/watching. The former will find all shows with both completed and watching status, while the latter will find all shows with a watching status. This is only applicable to the STATUS parameter.

Example & Output: find n/Shutter Island

Example & Output: find r/5

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Sorting the shows sort

Description: Wanting to organise your messy show list? Sort can help reorder the list for you!

:exclamation: Caution:

  • You cannot undo the sort once you have applied it!
  • Trackermon will only rearrange the show list after each successful sort command!
  • A successful sort command followed by an add command will still result in the new show being added to the last index!

Format: sort [n/ORDER] [s/ORDER] [t/ORDER] [r/ORDER] [so/SEQUENCE]


To sort your show list by rating ascendingly, you can key in sort r/asc! For more examples, refer to this table below!

Sort by Ascending Order Descending Order Notes
name n/asc n/dsc Name is sorted by comparing alphabets and numbers. For example, in ascending order, 300 comes before 47 Ronin!
status s/asc s/dsc Status is sorted ascendingly in this order: completed, watching, plan-to-watch
rating r/asc r/dsc Rating is sorted by numerical value
tag t/asc t/dsc Tag is sorted by number of tags

:exclamation: Take note: The order of how you type the prefixes does not affect the outcome! If you type sort s/asc n/asc, Trackermon will still sort by name in ascending order then by status in ascending order. By default, Trackermon prioritises sorting in the following order if the criteria are used:

  • name > status > rating > tag

To sort by status in ascending order, then by name in ascending order, use sort n/asc s/asc so/statusname.

:exclamation: Take note: When using so/ prefix, Trackermon will check if all the prefixes used are present in your SEQUENCE. If they aren’t, an error message will be displayed!

:information_source: Notes about Sort:

  • sort can also be used as is! It will sort by name in ascending order and is treated as a single word command that ignores extraneous parameters.
  • Refer to parameter conditions section about ORDER SEQUENCE.
  • For SEQUENCE, if the full name of a criteria is being used multiple times, it will only consider the first instance of the full name. For example: “ratingtagrating” will sort by rating then tag.
  • If the same prefix is being used multiple times, only the last prefix will be considered by the program! For example: sort n/asc n/dsc will sort name by descending order.

Example & Output: sort

Example & Output: sort t/dsc r/asc

Example & Output: sort t/dsc r/asc so/tagrating

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Suggesting a show: suggest

Description: Wanting to find a random show? This suggests a random show from the displayed list!

Format: suggest

Example & Output: suggest

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Importing a show: import

Description: Wanting to easily import Trackermon data from other devices? Just use our import function!

Format: import


  • Import will override the current list if successful! Your previous list data will be lost!

Example & Output: import

  • Step 1. Navigate to the Trackermon data file you want to import using your OS’ native GUI!
  • Step 2. Select the file and click “Open”
    • Do note that only JSON files can be imported!
  • Step 3. Trackermon will import the selected file and display the imported show list!
    • Trackermon will display an error message if the data file is corrupted!

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Exporting a show: export

Description: Wanting to easily export Trackermon data to other devices? Just use our export function!

Format: export

Example & Output: export

  • Step 1. Navigate to the location you wish to export Trackermon data to using your OS’ native GUI!
  • Step 2. Click “Save”
  • Step 3. Trackermon will export the Trackermon data as a JSON file to your selected location. It’s that easy!
    • If there was an error exporting the file, Trackermon will display an error message!

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Exiting the program: exit

Description: Wanting to exit the application? This simple command is what you are looking for!

Format: exit

Example: exit

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Question Answer
Where is the data of Trackermon saved? Trackermon data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data! There is no need for you to save manually.
How is my data being saved in Trackermon? Your data will be stored as a JSON file called trackermon.json! You can find it in the “data” folder in Trackermon’s home folder.
How do I transfer my data to another computer? 1. export your data to an external storage device or send it via email.
2. On your other computer, simply start up Trackermon and import the data from the previous step!
3. Congratulations! You’ve just transferred your data across different computers!

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Command summary

Action Format, Examples
Help help
Add add n/NAME s/STATUS [r/RATING] [c/COMMENT] [t/TAG]…​
e.g., add n/ReZero s/watching r/3 t/Anime
Delete delete INDEX
e.g., delete 3
Edit edit INDEX {[n/NAME] [s/STATUS] [r/RATING] [c/COMMENT] [t/TAG]…​}
e.g., edit 1 n/ReZero s/watching r/3 c/Good show t/Anime
List list
Clear clear
General Find find KEYWORD…​
e.g., find hero
Precise Find find {[n/NAME] [s/STATUS] [r/RATING] [t/TAG]…​}
e.g., find n/Shingeki no kyojin s/watching r/5 t/Anime t/Seinen
Sort sort [n/ORDER] [s/ORDER] [r/ORDER] [t/ORDER] [so/SEQUENCE]
Suggest suggest
Import import
Export export
Exit exit

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Term Description
AND search AND search finds all of the keywords. For example, find n/Shutter Island returns only results that contain Shutter and Island.
OR search OR search finds one keyword or the other. For example, find Shutter Island returns all results that contain Shutter or Island.
Command Line Interface (CLI) A Command Line Interface connects you to a computer program or operating system. Through the CLI, you can interact with a system or application by typing in text (commands).
Graphical User Interface (GUI) A form of user interface that allows you to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons instead of text-based user interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation.
Alphanumeric A character that is either a letter or a number.
JSON JavaScript Object Notation. The format in which Trackermon data is stored.
ASCII ASCII is a character encoding standard containing 128 characters. It includes the numbers 0-9, upper and lower case English letters (A-Z) and certain special characters.

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